Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Fellowship of the Bog

So I may (or may not) have mentioned that I only have a small growing space outside for my Sarracenias and other outdoor CPs here in SF. In the past few months I've felt the space crunch and had to thin out my beloved collection. However, some Sarrs I simply just can't part with so I've decided to ship them to The Shire (aka Upstate NY). The plan is to create a bog garden and put all of my Sarrs in there when I'm visiting my parent's house at the end of August. It'll be a lot of work but once I'm done they'll have a permanent home where they can grow their little hearts out. I'm sure they'll appreciate the full sun and high humidity of those NY summers! Here's a photo of the "future bog site" as it looks right now. It is an island of plants that are far less interesting than Sarracenia.

This is how the island looked before any work began.

Thanks to my Dad, the small chartreuse-colored tree is
now gone. Construction is underway!

Yeeeeeessss. :-]

Go Dad! Nothing left now but some big rocks and roots.

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