What's not to love with a name like that?? I recently acquired a Sarracenia hybrid called 'Purple People Eater' from California Carnivores. Peter D'Amato told me it was a seed-grown hybrid they made back in the 9os whose heritage was lost. Apparently, a customer who purchased one of the originals brought in some divisions of his mother plant recently and I pounced on one of 'em! You gotta love those mystery hybrids. From the looks of it though it definitely has some S. purpurea in it. Right now the plant is dormant so all I've got to admire are some shriveled pitchers from this past growing season. Also, the plant isn't as large as photos of others I've seen online so it still has a lot of growing to do as well. Hopefully with a little TLC it will end up looking like this one:
That is an awesome plant
Judging by the photos I've seen online I'd DEFINITELY have to agree. Can't wait to see it when it's all grown-up!
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