Monday, January 31, 2011

Neps as Bat Houses???

Just read an article the other day talking about bats in Borneo roosting and defecating in Nepenthes rafflesiana elongata. I've heard of Nepenthes such as N. lowii and N. jamban having pitchers adapted to catch bird poo but never heard of an animal like a bat actually roosting in aerial pitchers. Pretty interesting stuff. I love how nature is so adaptable. Seems like they're discovering something new everyday over there in Borneo. I REALLY need to get there one of these days. Anywho, here's the article:

Friday, January 14, 2011

2011: The Year of Opportunity!

Well 2011 is upon us! One of my New Year's resolutions is to post much more frequently to this blog. The way things look for 2011 I'll definitely have more to talk about in the carnivorous plant realm. For starters...I've currently got many different types of Nepenthes seed sowing as well as some Nepenthes cuttings taking root. Also, I just ordered various types of Drosera seed that should be arriving next week as well.

Looking forward to the BACPS Winter Meeting tomorrow at the SF Conservatory of Flowers!